2015 Unification Exhibition Event | Arirang Concert

Location | Downtown Seoul - 광화문광장 - 서울광장 일원

Date | May 29th - 31th

Arirang Institute, in cooperation with the Ministry of Unification, is pleased to announce its participation in the 2015 Unification Exhibition. The event gathers the numerous non governmental organizations working for peace, stability, and unification on the Korean peninsula, for a weekend of culture, passion, and education.  

Arirang Institute is seeking volunteers to support the event.  If you are interested in culture and the arts, this is a great opportunity to learn first hand the behind the scenes efforts of planning and executing of a performance.  For those with a passion for Korean culture and wish to get involved, meet the artists and performers, please don't hesitate and fill out the form below.  Thank you for your time.  

화장을 통한 치유 그리고 화해

           지난 2015년 4월 14일, 방배역에 위치한 물망초 사단법 교실에서 메이크업 아티스트 김정희(Rachel)씨와 함께 탈북여성학생들을 위한 "초보자를 위한 기초 메이크업" 수업이 이뤄졌습니다. 20여명의 학생들이 참여하여 활기찬 분위기 속에서 "컨투어링 윤곽 메이크업"이라는 주제로 클래스가 진행되었는데, 굉장히 성공적으로 프로젝트가 진행되었습니다

메이크업 아티스트 김정희씨에 대해 간단히 소개하자면, 그녀는 자신의 소개를 다음과 같이 하였습니다.

"광고, 화보, 패션 등 다양한 분야에서 뷰티디렉터로 활동중인 아티스트 김정회입니다. 모든 분들에게 아름다움을 선사함으로써 심적인 힐링을 선사하고자 합니다.  모든 이들이 아름다워지는 그 날까지 노력하는 아티스트가 되겠습니다."  

이 날 참여한 한 학생은 다음과 같이 말했습니다.

"오늘 너무나 재미있었고, 저도 많이 배우면서, 좋은 사람들을 많이 만났고 같이 즐겁게 시간을 보냈으니 Arirang InstituteRachel Beauty, 및, 물망초에 감사하다는 마음을 전달하고 싶습니다." 

Michael Lammbrau, Seoul Bureau Chief of Arirang Institute,

"이러한 다양한 프로그램을 통해 개인 대 개인 외교로 Arirang Institute는 사람들이 서로 만나 신뢰 및 이해를 키우도록 돕는 역할을 하고 싶습니다. 앞으로 올 기회에 대해서도 많은 기대가 됩니다." 

Working in North Korea | Experience from the Field

          On March 27th 2015, the Arirang Institute's Michael Lammbrau discussed engagement strategies with Service for Peace's North Korea specialist, Hyunlip Joo, before an invited audience of scholars at Korea University.  Joo has dedicated his entire professional life to engaging with North Korea and bringing an understanding of the peninsula to the wider world.  He drew upon his extensive in the field experiences to present a deep thought-provoking account of the realities on the ground.

Issues discussed ranged from Green Detente, an environmentally focused approach to increasing development and cooperation with North Korea, to the harsh realities facing North Korean laborers at home and abroad.  The discussion was well received.   

 "There is clearly lots of work still to be done," said Lammbrau.  "But it is good to see the momentum building."  
Justin Davis, of The Korea Society, gives the opening remarks.

Justin Davis, of The Korea Society, gives the opening remarks.

photo 3.JPG
Guest Speaker, Hyunlip Joo, North Korea Program Director for Service of Peace

Guest Speaker, Hyunlip Joo, North Korea Program Director for Service of Peace

The Korea Society 

The Korea Society 

Guest Speaker, Hyunlip Joo, North Korea Program Director for Service for Peace

Guest Speaker, Hyunlip Joo, North Korea Program Director for Service for Peace

Starting with Culture

        On February 9th, 2015 Graduate students from Sungshin Women’s University Graduate School of Cultural History held its annual Korean Cultural Experience.  Participants from Arirang Institute and Mulmangcho, “Dream Makers for North Korea”, participated in a day of Korean tradition and culture. The day started with a detailed guided tour of the new Sungshin University Museum of Natural History, highlighting the history of Korean tradition and culture.  It was followed by the creation and delightful consumption of Korean traditional cookies.   The day culminated in the preparation and practice of tea drinking traditions and the respectful art of bowing.  

Michael Lammbrau, Seoul Bureau Chief of Arirang Institute, commented,

“Arirang Institute was proud to take part in its first of many collaborative events with Mulmangcho, Dream Makers for North Korea. We believe in the importance of developing and maintaining interpersonal relationships through a strong foundation of cultural understanding.  Today’s event is a small but important part of that mission.” 

Founder and Director of Mulmangcho, Professor Park, stated, “We are very thankful to Sungshin Women’s University students for the wonderful day they provided. Cultivating understanding through cultural exchanges is the first step to a brighter future for our young people.” 

2014년 친구들이랑 같이 보냈던 추석


The Arirang Institute would like to thank all of our friends from the 고향축구단 ( Hometown Football Association) for their hospitality and generosity. It was a splendidly spent Thanksgiving. New friendships were made along with unforgettable memories as well. Thanks again to everyone who made this Chuseok possible!!

People to People Through Art | A Rooftop Gathering


On the evening of October 1st the Arirang Institute held the 2nd installment of their "People to People" Networking Event series. The series seeks to facilitate networking opportunities for all those passionate and interested in the issues conerning the Korean Peninsula and East Asia.

The event took place on the lovely rooftop provided by the "A. Bed and Breakfast" located in 삼청동 overlooking Seoul, South Korea. The night opened with a solo tap dance performance by Yoon Ha Jang with exceptional works of art featured from Jung Il's "Notebook Thoughts" collection. The night concluded with an insightful and moving presentation of three documentaries focused on the Korean Peninsula. The Film Director from North Korea discussed the motivations for creating the films and his hope for their role in working towards trust, understanding, and cooperation on the Peninsula.

Again we would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who supported and helped to make this event possible. Every little bit counts, no matter how small. It truly does matter.. 

We would like to thank Let it bloom for coming and sharing their "Happy Virus Flower" with us!!!

And of course we would again like to thank Tom Kock, Director of the Redwood International Educational Center, for recently launching a new scholarship program for North Korean refugee students on the Peninsula. 

It was a great night and we would like to thank all those for coming!!!

People to People Through Art | Networking Event

On the evening of June 19th the Arirang Institute launch the first installment of their "People to People" Networking Event series. The series seeks to facilitate networking opportunities for all those passionate and interested in the issues conerning the Korean Peninsula and East Asia.

The event took place at the Saeghim Art Studio, 삼청공원 in Seoul, South Korea. Exceptional works of art were on display from Jung Il's "Coexistence" collection and 정고암's Saeghim collection. The night featured solo vocalist performances by 남은혜 and 김정란. As well as a combined performance by Artist-Engraver 정고암 and Violinist David Neaverth.

It was a great night and we would like to thank all those for coming!!!